
Late in life I decided to learn to draw. By a stroke of great fortune I met Jeff Watts and started attending Watts Atelier. The Atelier focused on figure drawing and it was humbling. All the instructors at Watts were good teachers and they were incredibly patient. I started to paint at Watts and fell in love with the process. In 2017 Jeff allowed me to paint with him in his private studio. That was life changing because Jeff could take the time to teach the nuances of painting that can’t be taught in a three-hour class with other students. Jeff and I have become friends over the years and I’m grateful to be his friend and student.
Along the way I have also met some other incredible teachers. Natalia Fabia and Joseph Todorovitch have been wonderful teachers and friends. Both are incredible artists and great teachers. Again, I’m grateful for their friendship and inspiration.
I also attended classes at Art Mentors. Art Mentors has evolved into New Masters Academy a very good online school.
I love to paint from my adventures in Patagonia, Argentina. The people are welcoming and the landscape is inspiring.
I also love painting friends and family.